Dmitriy Kutafin
Drums & percussion, Russian Federation

Dmitriy Kutafin - profile of the participant
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About the participant

RU, Moscow

Education: Orlov regional music college (teacher- Andrey Efanov), at present Dmitriy is the fouth year student at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (teacher - Ivan Avaliani). Takes regular classes with Igor Dzhavad-Zade, Andrey Pristavka. Dmitriy plays diverse music, appreciates work with emotions, passion, true feelings. Among the most interesting bands, that Dmitriy had an opportunity to work with are: Orlov Music college big-band under the direction of Georgiy Dubinskiy, fusion band 'The Ritmens', Yuriy Chugunov big band, 'Rept Branch' (albums recording of 'The three' '340-th', innovative folk close to jazz music), 'Bingo-paprika' (fusion-funk). At present Dmitriy is engaged in work with the Federal chemical weapon safe keeping and utilizing control ensemble of the Russian Federation 'The Arsenals', jazz-rock band 'Full House', 'Companeros' (Latin and American rock), 'Jeans'n'Roses (legendary 'Guns'n'Roses' band tribute). Dmitriy is an awarder and a winner of multiple Russian and International music contests, such as: 'Reflection in the Rhythm' (Yaroslavl), 'Drumming Beat' (Saratov), International Rostov-on-Don young jazz performers contest, Roland V-Drums Contest'12 (Moscow) and others. He is confident that one performer can play various music, each style has its notional and emotional premise, which is coincides to the definite lifestyle. Good musician is able to sense and recognize these hints. The adeptness of this ability depends on person's life experience and knowledge depth.

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