Alexey Kazak
Piano, keyboards, Belarus

About the participant
BY, Minsk
My name is Alexey. I’m looking for quality, beauty and most importantly originality of improvisation. Unlike most of my peers, I’m not crazy about the show, but I use just the part which is necessary. I’m looking for new features, new approaches, frets, methods. As a pianist I have more possibilities in this behalf. Basically my activities are connected with music, but in spare time I sit in front of my computer watching films, TV-series, using social networks, again I work with the computer. Sibelius-6 and Sound Forge-9 are my best friends. I study in my fourth year at the Musical College named by M. I. Glinka at the mainstream department. It is my last year here. Mainly I’m preparing for state exams now. I listen to really different music from chanson to heavy metal and I think it gives me more musical ideas. Sometimes I read for fun. Sometimes play in restaurants on the replacement to earn extra money.