Dapo Dina
Piano, keyboards, Nigeria

About the participant
NG, Conyers
Welcome to an inspiring fusion... Dapo Dina`s music embraces a truly Afropolitan spirit. His energetic and mindful compositions celebrate the fusion of cosmopolitan ideas with Afriсan spirituality. Rooted in the musical traditions and the contemporary aesthetics of his home continent, the pianist and composer is following international routes in Afro Jazz, enriching the genre by blending various styles to a unique atmospheric experience. His work defines a concept music that incorporates Afroism into Jazz. ...ofafrika&beyond. Dapo Dina`s conscious art is driven by spirituality, which can be felt by engaging with both tunes and language. Musically we are taken on a journey to an in between, experiencing and engaging an innovative blend of tradition, the play with classical standards and references to his Yoruba home culture, such as the messages of talking drums. The lyrics fuse influences from Afriсa, Europe and other parts of the world, expressing chants in Yoruba, poetic lines in English, Zulu and German. His highly expected album "Wealth Of Knowledge" (2010) is the manifesto for this musical concept - the soulful fusion of Afroism and Jazz. Roots – roots –classical piano... classical piano... classical piano... The young, established artist comes from a classical educational background, having studied the piano in his home country Nigeria before turning to his life-long love affair with Jazz. Meanwhile at home in Johannesburg, the sizzling center of the continent`s music scene, Dapo Dina`s compositions and playing draw on influences from many sides, yet not forgetting the spiritual and artistic wealth deriving from belonging. THE SOULFUL FUSION OF AFROISM AND JAZZ