Eduards Lazdins
Guitar, Austria

About the participant
AT, Vienna
Born 07/10/2000
My name is Eduards Lazdins and I am a 20 year old jazz guitarist and composer originally from Riga, Latvia (Now I am based in Vienna, Austria). Music has always been my one true calling. I started playing the guitar at the age of 12 and soon found a growing passion for jazz music. I remember bringing my first guitar to school. I hadn`t bought a case for it, so the first few weeks I had to carry a cardboard box under my arm. In spite of the glares, it made me even more determined. All my studies where dedicated to only one goal, one day to go and study in the birthplace of Jazz – United States. In 2017, I received the honor of „Best guitarist 2017” at an international competition called „VENTSPILS GROOVE” . Through the next years me and my jazz band received numerous national and international awards. In 2019, I released my debut solo album called „Moonbeams”. It features four of my compositions and three well-known jazz tunes in original arrangements. The album was recognized by Latvia`s jazz magazine „JAZZin”. A year later, In 2020, my composition „Dancing among the stars” aired on one of the biggest Radio programmes in Latvia. This composition was also included in the compilation album, featuring the best 12 Latvian current jazz musicians. The album is called „Jazz in Latvia 2020”. In 2020, I received a scholarship from Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). I will start my studies at the end of January 2021.