Jacob Taruntsov
Drums & percussion, Ukraine

About the participant
UA, Odessa
He studied in the Vilkonskiy music school #1 in Chernigov in the piano class, his teacher was Danilova V.V. Since 2005 had been taught by the teachers Kharchenko A.G. and Kuvarzina T.A. in the Stoliarskiy specialized boarding school in the piano class. Since 2008 had been taught in the percussion instrument class by the teacher Leonov V.E. Since 2011 had been Odessa Dankevich musical College student, jazz department, teacher Leonov V. E. Yakov is an All-Ukrainian Kolesnikov jazz Contest laureate (Donetsk), jazz and classical contests and festivals participant. Now he plays in many diverse bands. Since 2013 he has been a StarrSticks endorser and a RockIt percussion school teacher.