Tofig Hasansoi
Vocals, Austria

About the participant
AT, Baku/Moscow
Music was his passion from childhood. He finished musical school in violin, and began to sing when he was 10 years old. Currently Tofig is studying at the final year of the Moscow College of Improvised Music. He loves jazz, and its different styles. He often improvises in different harmonies of jazz and in national Azerbaijan music – mugham. Doing solo he prefers to add different phrasing of mugham, which can be successfully combined with jazz. He participated in various jazz concerts in Moscow, Baku, and also took part in several student jazz festivals! He loves to improvise spontaneously, emotionally and with drive. He strive for new ideas and tries to evolve vocal jazz. Mixing jazz and mugham phrases in improvisations is very good combination. Tofig: “Name Tofig means good luck in arabic. Good luck to all contestants!”