Vladimir Nesterenko
Piano, keyboards, Russian Federation

About the participant
RU, Moscow
One of the best young jazz musicians in Moscow, multi-instrumentalist Vladimir Nesterenko is nearly the only professional jazz organist in Russia - Laureate Prize of the Jazz Journalists Association in Russia 'JazzUho' in the nomination 'Russian Jazz Prospect', laureate of many other jazz contests: the First International jazz contest 'DoDj' Grand Prix (Donetsk, 2001), the first prize in the All-Russian jazz musicians contest (Rostov-on-Don, 2003) and other festivals and contests, such as: International Jazz Festival, dedicated to the memory of U.Konover with the solo project (Moscow, 2001), the vocal festival 'Jazz voices' 2001, 2004 in the composition of Michael Schieffel quartet (Germany); International Festival 'Jazzin the Hermitage Garden' (2002) (V. Nesterenko sextet performance during the festival, dedicated to Charles Mingus's 80th anniversary got a wide and quite pleasant respond in mass-media), 'Jazz in the Hermitage Garden, 2003 ( in A. Buturlina's project 'Dedication to the Nat King Cole'), Jazz in the Hermitage Garden, 2004 (co-project with S.Prone a notable trumpeter from Ekaterinburg), 'Jazz in the Hermitage Garden, 2005 (in the quartet with a legendary Polish saxophonist Z. Namyslovsky, in 2007 in the same quartet V. Nesterenko with the special guest Piotr Wojtasik (Poland, trumpet), 'Manor Jazz', 2011 - with the International Poland-Russian project 'Vladimir Nesterenko and New Trio (as an organist and a flautist ) etc. He performed and went on tour with Didier Lockwood, Jesse Jones Jr., Zbygnew Namyslovsky, Piotr Wojtasik, Steve Slagle, Miles Griffith, J.D. Walter, Frank Lacy, Joe Ford, Craig Handy, Ron Affif, Kim Plainfield, Gregory Porter, Michael Schiefel, Joe Ford, Gerald Haynes, Patience Higgins, Greg Bandy, James Zollar and also V. Ponomariov, I. Butman, D. Kramer, G. Lukianovich, V. Chekasin, S. Prone, A. Fiesher, A. Oseichuk (as a part of the band 'Green Wave').In March, 2005 passed two-week training in the New School University (New York, USA), during which he participated in New York clubs concerts, among them Blue Note, also performed with such jazz masters as Clark Terry, Jimmy Heath, Kenny Barron.Since 2003 he has been teaching in Moscow Institute of Modern Arts in Russian Gnesin's Academy of Music.Vladimir's creational credo is 'The permanent search of new and non-standard ideas on the one hand and musical decisions, on the other hand is the most sincere respect to the jazz 'roots', the basis of the richest jazz traditions and academic music'.